Fishy Fossil: “Findus Rex”

Findus Rex is an Aquaraptor.

He is the second in a series of Fishy Fossils that Chief Digger Peter has dug up whist exploring the old abandoned mines of Potsbury. The technique used for excavating the fossils is very similar to the delicate, time-consuming excavating found in traditional palaeontology, but uses far more dynamite and a pneumatic drill.
It is believed that despite having a set of razor-sharp teeth, Findus mostly preferred chewing on Jurassic Seaweed.

Concept sketch of Findus Rex.

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Other Fishy Fossils in this series:

Gumby Rex

Gumby Rex. Not the sharpest spoon in the drawer. It appears evolution was having a day off.

Findus Rex

Findus Rex has been discovered! And he's not planning on getting undiscovered any time soon.